How to convert power in kilowatts (kW) to horsepower (hp).
One mechanic or hydraulic horsepower is equal to 0.745699872 kilowatts:
1 hp(I) = 745.699872 W = 0.745699872 kW
So the power conversion of kilowatts to horsepower is given by:
P(hp) = P(kW) / 0.745699872
Convert 10kW to mechanic horsepower:
P(hp) = 10kW / 0.745699872 = 13.41 hp
One electrical horsepower is equal to 0.746 kilowatts:
1 hp(E) = 746 W = 0.746 kW
So the power conversion of kilowatts to horsepower is given by:
P(hp) = P(kW) / 0.746
Convert 10kW to electrical horsepower:
P(hp) = 10kW / 0.746 = 13.405 hp
One metric horsepower is equal to 0.73549875 kilowatts:
1 hp(M) = 735.49875 W = 0.73549875 kW
So the power conversion of kilowatts to horsepower is given by:
P(hp) = P(kW) / 0.73549875
Convert 10kW to metric horsepower:
P(hp) = 10kW / 0.73549875 = 13.596 hp